The Stock Exchange News Services (SENS) is a regulatory news service provided by the JSE for listed companies to publish company announcements and news to the market as required by the listing requirements of the JSE. SENS is used by regulatory institutions to publish announcements to the market and is also used by the exchange to publish Exchange Announcements.

All market announcements are published and made available to information subscribers during the trading day in real-time via the Regulatory News Gateway and are also made available at the end of the trading day in the End of Day SENS products.

The Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX) uses the same JSE SENS system and is referred to as NENS (Namibian Exchange News Service) which exists for their company announcements to be disseminated via a separate real-time Gateway and separate EOD products specific to their market.

This webpage will be used to centrally publish all documentation related to the SENS replacement project that kicked off during September 2021.

 Services Documentation

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to be published in due course

